
個展「Dldap/Enogo/Auxar/Dgaen」AISHONANZUKA 香港 このエントリーを含むはてなブックマーク 

香港のギャラリーAISHONANZUKAで3年ぶりの個展 「Dldap / Enogo / Auxar / Dgaen」 が始まりました。今月23日までです。










Ethical Split : Pop art, Op art, Kinetic art, Neo Geo, German photograph, Hirst, Guyton, etc
Grammatical Luxation : Concrete poetry, Total serialism (music), Music of Indeterminacy, John Cage, Language art, Conceptual art, Minimal art, etc
Self-denial Practice (physical) : Automatism/Surrealism、Neo Dada, Junk art, New painting, Graffiti, Frank Stella
Self-denial Practice (ideal) : Total serialism (music), Music of Indeterminacy, Suprematism, Video Art, Minimal Art, Conceptual Art, etc

I want to negate humanity. It homologizes deconstructing the innate characteristic of human. It is also a way to deeply commit to Art that is the one of most rarefied concept human beings have.

‘Death’ and ‘Sexuality’ are the innately biological reputations human beings has, same as other animals. However as for human beings, there are systems to locate them onto our society, or to hide them artfully from our society, then they are treated as taboos that is inimical things to rationality. The both ‘Death’ and ‘Sexuality’ are the same as antisocial things that jeopardize our social living dominated by labor, consists of essentiality of ‘Eroticism’ that is violent urge to break our sociality.
Constructing of the social system that taboos and encroachments compete each other, is that human beings only has, the system are constructed by human’s rationality, there is absolutely Language on its origin. Stated from opposite direction, the most part of the indescribable sense, is the ‘Eroticism’. Then, what is the exception of it, indescribable but not related to Eroticism?

In my current thoughts, ‘Death’ and ‘Sexuality’ exist biologically in human beings, they mean ‘End’ and ‘Start’, also the pleasure of sexuality leads to death, and vise versa. Between them ‘Death’ and ‘Sexuality’ there are activities by ‘Language’ that is an innate ability of human beings, as mechanism generates every institutions by rationality, exclude ‘Death’ and ‘Sexuality’ from social living. However, something that must be intelligence without describability, certainly exists inside of intelligent activities. That is the new theme ‘Doxa’.

In this exhibition, I show works that are the results of dialectically competing the 4 human beings’ essential themes inside of myself.

Inside of myself individual, sounds trivial, but this has the important reason as follows:
We Japanese haven’t experienced ‘Modernism’ because the modernization in Japan had not enlightened Japanese masses. However, now Japanese people have misunderstood that they are living in ‘Post-modern’ era through the modernism, as well as the other Western countries. I want to criticize the wrong cognition to relive modernism personally with not only refer the Western standard. That will bring its relativization. This, personally reliving modernism with strong rationality, will relativizes the Western modernism, that is the thing I have intended. The most important condition for modernization was that every people's individually gaining rationality. And it has existed as premise of starting of Contemporary Art. My works have been made according to the spirit of Modernism, but also have directions to relativize it without blinded obeying.
However, they can be connected to contexts in the history of Western Contemporary Art. Notice they are just the results. I have never picked any ideas up from the existent history before starting to make works. After I made works, I find that they can link to the contexts, that proves their universalities. I do NOT have any simulations and appropriations. I confront I as a person represents the world.






“宮城県在住 美術家/実験音楽家 ”

