




終了ファーミ・ファジール&山下残 プレゼンテーション [日程:2010年7月12日 19:30Start] [会場:森下スタジオ]


  • 日程
    2010年07月03日 ~ 2010年07月12日

  • 時間

  • 会場
    森下スタジオ [江東区森下3-5-6]

プレゼンテーション|「What are you thinking now?」

■日時:2010年7月12日(月)19:30 Start
■内容:トーク、映像、パフォーマンス「Wayang Buku」(通訳あり)
(都営地下鉄新宿線、大江戸線「森下駅」A6出口 徒歩5分)



Fahmi Fadzil|ファーミ・ファジール
1981年生まれ。マレーシア・クアラルンプールを拠点に活動するパフォーマー、作家、グラフィックデザイナー。アーティスト・コレクティヴ「Five Arts Centre」のメンバー(2007~)、実験的パフォーマンスグループ「Projek Wayang」のコーディネーター(2006~)、2008/09年のロレックスメントー&プロトジェ・アートプログラム舞踊部門ファイナリスト、キャメロニアン・アーツ・アワード(2006, 2007, 2008)、クンステンフェスティバルデザール「レジデンス&リフレクション」プログラム(2008)に参加。
※ ファーミ・ファジールは、2007年1月に開催された第2回東アジア首脳会議(EAS)において、安倍総理(当時)が提唱した「21世紀東アジア青少年大交流計画(Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths:JENESYS Programme)」の国際交流基金「東アジアクリエーター招へいプログラム」により招へいされました。


共催:国際交流基金「JENESYS Programme: 東アジアクリエーター招へいプログラム」、公益財団法人セゾン文化財団

協力:Body Arts Laboratory(Whenever Wherever Festival 2010関連企画として開催)

Talk, Presentation and Performance
By Fahmi Fadzil (performer) and
Zan Yamashita (choreographer)

□ Talk and Presentation 「What are you thinking now?」

Malaysia,established only in 1963, has a short, yet somewhat dramatic, history of its contemporary performing arts. The "Mahathir years"(1981-2003) was famous as an era of swift development, but also infamous for more than its fair share of political intrigue and social upheaval. Much of this was witnessed first-hand by the Malaysian artistic community, some of whom became victims (and sometimes fighters) in the ensuing drama of the "Mahathir years".
This presentation will attempt to contextualize the social, economic, and political landscapes of Malaysia, and how these factors contributed, shape, or even forced the discourse of the contemporary performing arts community in Malaysia. (by Fahmi Fadzil)
■Date: 2010. 07.12(Mon.)
■Time: 19: 30 starts
■Admission: Free+ free drinks (making reservation is preferable)
■Venue: Morishita Studio (3-5-6 Morishita, Koto-ku, Tokyo)
  *MORISHITA on the Toei Shinjuku or Oedo Line
(Five minutes' walk from Exit A6)
  Cooperation: Body Arts Laboratory
■Reservation:Morishita Studio [fahmizan2010@saison.or.jp]
Please include the date (July 12) at the beggining of the subject line. Followed by your name, phone number and number of seats in the message body. Your reservation will be confirmed by email.
Tickets are limited and will be available on a first-come-first-served basis. If you don't receive a confirmation email within three days, please contact 03-3535-5566.
□ Fahmi Fadzil :
Born in KL (1981), he is performer, writer, graphic designer based in Kuala Lumpur.
Member of Artists Collective Five Arts Centre(2007~), coordinator of Experimental performance group Projek Wayang(2006~), finalist of Rolex Arts Initiative(2008/09), Cameronian Arts Award(2006, 2007, 2008), Kunstenfestivaldesarts Residence and Reflection project(2008). He is an invitee by JENESYS Programme: Invitation Programme for creators 2009/2010, administered by the Japan Foundation.

□ Zan Yamashita:
Born in Osaka (1970), he is choreographer, director and dancer.
Since the mid 90s, Yamashita has devoted his time to choreographing performances with dance collectives. His main works include, It is written there, in which audience read his "score" book with one hundred numbered pages and see the stage reciprocally. The Sailors with dancers performing on a swinging raft, The invisible man with the expression of dance through words. His piece It's just me coughing received the "Kyoto Art Center Theatre Award" in 2004. In his recent work Deluge he hanged 15 monitors reflecting image of surface of the water to overhead of auditorium.
Co-organizers:The Japan Foundation (JENESYS Programme: Invitation Programme for Creators), The Saison Foundation


